Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Road to Lilliano Day 3

Day three of "The Road to Lilliano" was an adventure in mixing color. These were the first initial stages of developing the rich greens of the foliage that line the road. I spent a good deal of time before I painted, mixing my own greens out of French Ultramarine, Hansa Yellow, and Yellow Ochre... but the best greens became of adding a touch of Organic Vermillion (red) and smidgens of Viridian Green to the mix.

I often find it helpful to write on my paper palette the names of some of the colors that went into a particular mixture so I don't forget.  Paper palettes allow me to keep a record of what I used on each painting that I do. Before I moved, my closet was full of palette pages hanging on the wall, each with a title, scribbling of notes, and slathered with dry swatches of paint used to create each individual painting I did last year. It helped me tremendously, especially if I had a client that liked a particular combination of colors they requested for a commission piece. The best visual journal ever!!!

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