Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Do What Comes Natural

Was at the beach today... Alki Beach in Seattle, WA to be exact. It was sunny and gorgeous. Sitting there on my towel eating lunch and daydreaming of new artistic adventures with my husband.

Then I got some sort of strange "itch" to go searching for the perfect pebble in the sand.

I don't know why. I didn't bother to question it either... I just went with it. 

As I dug in the sand, I found perfect pebble after perfect pebble and I just couldn't stop! Soon enough I had a small handful of fabulous things all in wonderful shades of colors I absolutely adore...

As I returned to my blanket, I started to arrange my treasures into an organized pile of... something? I'm not sure what. But I was thoroughly enjoying myself and that was all that mattered. 

As we started to pack up our things, I made sure to stuff all my new little colorful friends into my back pack... now I wait. Patiently. As only the future can tell what will become of these treasures I found and how I will incorporate this experience into my creative adventures...

Recommended blog post to read cuz it is softly inspiring: "Just Like Breathing"


Kristen and Tyler Pelo said...

ooh! That's my favorite-finding outside treasures to make into fun projects later! I'm always picking up inspirational sticks and half-decayed animal parts in the woods that I'm convinced I'll use later. I've made a few jewelry peices with it. And an awesome christmas tree topper out of an elk skull and some hazelnuts... always fun times!

Brian Rio said...

I. Love. This.

And I will spend the next 4 days thinking of some wonderful thing to trade for your collection of pebbles etc.

Ambera said...

I love collecting stones..such a treat and so relaxing.

Connie Williams, California, USA said...

Nice. And what ARE you going to do with that lower picture.....hmmmmm?
=O) Your heart knows......

(So who's the joker that invents the word verification non-words? Mine was "crack" for your blog about collecting rocks and glass...Too very weird!)

Jennifer Phillips said...

Thanks everyone for your comments!

Connie that is HILARIOUS! No crack rocks were found in the making of this photo.

Tracy Leagjeld said...

My favorite thing to look for on the beach is sea glass. With so much plastic bottles being used it gets harder and harder to find.